Sunday, March 31, 2013

An Important Warning to Parents: Teens are Using Nutmeg to Get High

News agencies report that teens are snorting, smoking, drinking and eating large amounts of nutmeg, a spice traditionally used for holiday baking, in an effort to get high. 
During this season of joy an increasing number of YouTube videos were posted by teens showing their abuse of nutmeg in an attempt to alter how they feel. Amongst some troubled teens this spice is being described as an inexpensive, easy and legal way to ‘get a buzz.’
The Facts About Getting High on Nutmeg
Teens are trying it. Does it work? 
Here are the facts:
  • Myristicin is a compound occurring naturally in nutmeg that has mind-altering effects such as hallucinations or a sense of euphoria.  
  • To achieve these effects, large amounts have to be ingested.
  • The effects take awhile to kick in so often teens think they haven’t taken enough and continue to ingest the spice. 
  • According to the Poison Control Centers the side effects of ingesting nutmeg are substantial to include convulsions, nausea, upset stomach, vomiting, dehydration, dizziness, drowsiness and depression.
  • The physiological effects of ingesting nutmeg, or doing so over a period of time, haven't been studied but likely include increased blood pressure and heart rate, blurred vision or respiratory problems.
Why Abusing Nutmeg is a Problem
Joy isn't found in a bottle of nutmeg. Here are some of the more chilling aspects of this unusual way for a teen to spend the holiday season, or anytime:
  • A teen who thinks it’s a good idea to put large quantities of a toxic substance into their body may be acting out deeper problems or issues.  
  • Abusing nutmeg is no different than abusing alcohol or any illegal drug. 
  • A teen who abuses nutmeg risks doing permanent damage to their body and mind.
  • Teens who experiment with nutmeg to feel differently may be self-medicating.
  • Especially during the holiday season, a teen trying to alter their mood may suffer fromdepression, and abusing nutmeg can make depression even worse.
Clearly this is a potent substance in large doses. Teens who experiment with nutmeg face potentially life-threatening consequences, and may be struggling with serious underlying problems that need to be addressed.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Your Adolescent - Anxiety and Avoidant Disorders

Excerpts from Your Adolescent  on Anxiety and Avoidant Disorders

Everyone experiences anxiety. It is a natural and important emotion, signaling through stirrings of worry, fearfulness, and alarm that danger or a sudden, threatening change is near. Yet sometimes anxiety becomes an exaggerated, unhealthy response.
Given the array of changes and uncertainties facing a normal teenager, anxiety often hums along like background noise. For some teenagers, anxiety becomes a chronic, highpitched state, interfering with their ability to attend school and to perform up to their academic potential. Participating in extracurricular activities, making and keeping friends, and maintaining a supportive, flexible relationship within the family become difficult. Sometimes anxiety is limited to generalized, free-floating feelings of uneasiness. At other times, it develops into panic attacks and phobias.
Identifying the Signs
Anxiety disorders vary from teenager to teenager. Symptoms generally include excessive fears and worries, feelings of inner restlessness, and a tendency to be excessively wary and vigilant. Even in the absence of an actual threat, some teenagers describe feelings of continual nervousness, restlessness, or extreme stress.
In a social setting, anxious teenagers may appear dependent, withdrawn, or uneasy. They seem either overly restrained or overly emotional. They may be preoccupied with worries about losing control or unrealistic concerns about social competence.
Teenagers who suffer from excessive anxiety regularly experience a range of physical symptoms as well. They may complain about muscle tension and cramps, stomachaches, headaches, pain in the limbs and back, fatigue, or discomforts associated with pubertal changes. They may blotch, flush, sweat, hyperventilate, tremble, and startle easily.
Anxiety during adolescence typically centers on changes in the way the adolescent's body looks and feels, social acceptance, and conflicts about independence. When flooded with anxiety, adolescents may appear extremely shy. They may avoid their usual activities or refuse to engage in new experiences. They may protest whenever they are apart from friends. Or in an attempt to diminish or deny their fears and worries, they may engage in risky behaviors, drug experimentation, or impulsive sexual behavior.
Panic Disorder More common in girls than boys, panic disorder emerges in adolescence usually between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. Feelings of intense panic may arise without any noticeable cause or they may be triggered by specific situations, in which case they are called panic attacks. A panic attack is an abrupt episode of severe anxiety with accompanying emotional and physical symptoms.
During a panic attack, the youngster may feel overwhelmed by an intense fear or discomfort, a sense of impending doom, the fear he's going crazy, or sensations of unreality. Accompanying the emotional symptoms may be shortness of breath, sweating, choking, chest pains, nausea, dizziness, and numbness or tingling in his extremities. During an attack, some teens may feel they're dying or can't think. Following a panic attack, many youngsters worry that they will have other attacks and try to avoid situations that they believe may trigger them. Because of this fearful anticipation, the teen may begin to avoid normal activities and routines.
Phobias Many fears of younger children are mild, passing, and considered within the range of normal development. Some teenagers develop exaggerated and usually inexplicable fears called phobias that center on specific objects or situations. These intense fears can limit a teenager's activities. The fear generated by a phobia is excessive and not a rational response to a situation. The objects of a phobia usually change as a child gets older. While very young children may be preoccupied with the dark, monsters, or actual dangers, adolescents' phobic fears tend to involve school and social performance.
Several studies have revealed an increase in school avoidance in middle-school or junior-high years. With school avoidance, excessive worries about performance or social pressures at school may be at the root of the reluctance to attend school regularly. This leads to a cycle of anxiety, physical complaints, and school avoidance. The cycle escalates with the worsening of physical complaints such as stomachaches, headaches, and menstrual cramps. Visits to the doctor generally fail to uncover general medical explanations. The longer a teenager stays out of school, the harder it becomes for him to overcome his fear and anxiety and return to school. He feels increasingly isolated from school activities and different from other kids.
Some youngsters are naturally more timid than others, As their bodies, voices, and emotions change during adolescence, they may feel even more self-conscious. Despite initial feelings of uncertainty, most teens are able to join in if given time to observe and warm up. In extreme cases, called social phobia, the adolescent becomes very withdrawn, and though he wants to take part in social activities, he's unable to overcome intense self-doubt and worry. Gripped by excessive or unreasonable anxiety when faced with entering a new or unfamiliar social situation, the adolescent with social phobia becomes captive to unrelenting fears of other people's judgment or expectations. He may deal with his social discomfort by fretting about his health, appearance, or overall competence. Alternatively, he may behave in a clowning or boisterous fashion or consume alcohol to deal with the anxiety.
Because so much of a teenager's social life gets played out in school, social phobia may overlap with and be hard to distinguish from school avoidance. Some teens with social phobia may try to sidestep their anxious feelings altogether by refusing to attend or participate in school, Classroom and academic performance falls off, involvement in social and extracurricular activities dwindles, and, as a consequence, self-esteem declines.
Some teens may experience such a high level of anxiety that they cannot leave the house. This disorder, agoraphobia, seems to stem from feelings about being away from parents and fears of being away from home rather than fear of the world. In fact, a number of children who demonstrate severe separation anxiety in early childhood go on to develop agoraphobia as adolescents and adults.
Causes and Consequences
Most researchers believe that a predisposition towards timidity and nervousness is inborn. If one parent is naturally anxious, there's a good chance that their child will also have anxious tendencies. At the same time, a parent's own uneasiness is often communicated to the child, compounding the child's natural sensitivity. A cycle of increasing uneasiness may then be established. By the time this child reaches adolescence, his characteristic way of experiencing and relating to his world is tinged with anxiety. Some research suggests that children who are easily agitated or upset never learned to soothe themselves earlier in life.
In many cases, adolescent anxiety disorders may have begun earlier as separation anxiety, the tendency to become flooded with fearfulness whenever separated from home or from those to whom the child is attached, usually a parent. Adolescents can also have separation disorders. These teens may deny anxiety about separation, yet it may be reflected in their reluctance to leave home and resistance to being drawn into independent activity. Separation anxiety is often behind a teen's refusal to attend or remain at school.
School avoidance can follow a significant change at school, such as the transition into middle school or junior high. It may also be triggered by something unrelated to school, such as a divorce, illness, or a death in the family. Some youngsters become fearful about gang activities or the lack of safety in school.
A worried teenager performs less well in school, sports, and social interactions. Too much worry can also result in a teenager's failing to achieve to his potential. A teen who experiences a great deal of anxiety may be overly conforming, perfectionistic, and unsure of himself. In attempting to gain approval or avoid disapproval, he may redo tasks or procrastinate. The anxious youngster often seeks excessive reassurance about his identity and whether be is good enough.
Some teenagers with anxiety disorders can also develop mood disorders or eating disorders. Some teenagers who experience persistent anxiety may also develop suicidal feelings or engage in self-destructive behaviors; these situations require immediate attention and treatment. Anxious teens may also use alcohol and drugs to self-medicate or self-soothe or develop rituals in an effort to reduce or prevent anxiety.
How to Respond
If your teenager is willing to talk about his fears and anxieties, listen carefully and respectfully. Without discounting his feelings, help him understand that increased feelings of uneasiness about his body, performance, and peer acceptance and a general uncertainty are all natural parts of adolescence.
By helping him trace his anxiety to specific situations and experiences, you may help him reduce the overwhelming nature of his feelings. Reassure him that, although his concerns are real, in all likelihood he will be able to handle them and that as he gets older, he will develop different techniques to be better able to deal with stress and anxiety.
Remind him of other times when he was initially afraid but still managed to enter into new situations, such as junior high school or camp. Praise him when he takes part in spite of his uneasiness. Point out that you are proud of his ability to act in the face of considerable anxiety. Remember, your teenager may not always be comfortable talking about feelings that he views as signs of weakness. While it may seem at the moment as though he's not listening, later he may be soothed by your attempts to help.
If fearfulness begins to take over your teenager's life and limit his activities, or if the anxiety lasts over six months, seek professional advice. His doctor or teacher will be able to recommend a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other professional specializing in treating adolescents.
Managing anxiety disorders - as with any adolescent emotional disturbance - usually requires a combination of treatment interventions. The most effective plan must be individualized to the teenager and his family. While these disorders can cause considerable distress and disruption to the teen's life, the overall prognosis is good.
Treatment for an anxiety disorder begins with an evaluation of symptoms, family and social context, and the extent of interference or impairment to the teen. Parents, as well as the teenager, should be included in this process. School records and personnel may be consulted to identify how the teen's performance and function in school has been affected by the disorder.
The evaluating clinician will also consider any underlying physical illnesses or diseases, such as diabetes, that could be causing the anxiety symptoms. Medications that might cause anxiety (such as some drugs used in treating asthma) will be reviewed. Since large amounts of caffeine, in coffee or soft drinks, can cause agitation, a clinician might look at the youngster's diet as well. Other biological, psychological, family, and social factors that might predispose the youngster to undue anxiety will also be considered.
If a teenager refuses to go to school, a clinician will explore other possible explanations before labeling it school avoidance. Perhaps the teen is being threatened or harassed, is depressed, or has an unrecognized learning disability. He may also be skipping school in order to be with friends, not from anxiety about performance or separation.
If the teenager has engaged in suicidal or self-endangering behavior, is trying to self medicate through alcohol or drug use, or is seriously depressed, these problems should be addressed immediately. In such cases, hospitalization may be recommended to protect the youngster.
In most cases, treatment of anxiety disorders focuses on reducing the symptoms of anxiety, relieving distress, preventing complications associated with the disorder, and minimizing the effects on the teen's social, school, and developmental progress. If the problem manifests in school avoidance, the initial goal will be to get the youngster back to school as soon as possible.

Friday, March 29, 2013

How Should I Handle My Teen Trying Marijuana?

By Susan Stiffleman
My 15-year old son just told me that he tried marijuana a few weeks ago with his buddies. I don't know if I should punish him or if doing so will only make him become dishonest. He said he didn't like it, but I'm not sure I believe him. 
Within the world of parenting teens, the issue you've raised is one of the most difficult to address. Despite all the talks we have about the dangers of drugs with our children when they are young, most of us are resigned to the fact that our kids will probably experiment with at least alcohol and pot once they arrive at adolescence. Here's my advice:
• Assess your child's risk. A youngster who is generally doing well in life -- happy, well adjusted, engaged with the family -- generally poses less risk for potential problems than one with a family history of drug or alcohol abuse, depression or in the midst of a family crisis. If your son falls in the high risk category, I would urge you to get outside professional help to nip any serious problems in the bud.
• Be cautious about punishments. If there is no history of addiction in your family tree and you are certain that your son is generally doing well socially, emotionally and academically, focus on keeping the lines of communication open. If your teen is afraid of your reaction, it is unlikely that he will continue to confide in you. Punishing him may simply encourage him to become better at hiding any future use from you.
• Strengthen connection. When we feel seen, understood and cherished by someone, it is much harder to keep secrets from them. Teens often give us signals that suggest they aren't interested in having us around, but look for ways to keep nourishing the connection you and your son share -- cooking together, walking the dog or even chatting about music or sports while you unload the dishwasher together. The more he feels anchored to you as his North Star, the less influenced he will be by peer pressure.
• Talk with him about how he felt when he smoked. If he tells you that he really liked it, discuss why drugs and alcohol make people feel better. Explain the way the brain works, and the impact these substances can have on lowering inhibition or lifting mood --temporarily.
• Model healthy ways of unwinding. Consider what your son sees you doing to relax at the end of the day, or when you socialize with your friends. If you have a glass of wine the minute you get home from work or immediately open a six-pack when friends show up, you may be "teaching" him that enjoyment cannot happen without some kind of substance. Show him you can enjoy life without leaning on something to help you lower your inhibitions or numb out, and you will send the message that he can do the same.
• Don't force unwanted advice. Instead, ask him if he would be open to listening to your concerns. Explain that while you understand "everyone" may be smoking weed or drinking, the stress relief many kids experience while under the influence of pot or alcohol can quickly become at least psychologically addicting, and that there are better -- and healthier -- ways of handling social anxiety and pressures. Show him the impact these substances have on the brain; there are some great scans at
•Keep your eyes open. If you start to sense that your son's use has escalated beyond normal experimentation, do not hesitate to set guidelines that send him a clear message that it is not okay. At 15, his brain is still in a vulnerable and formative stage, and it is your responsibility to help him make sound decisions that preserve his health and safety. Some kids tell me that they actually appreciate it when their parents tell them that they might start conducting random drug tests; it makes it easier way to say "No" at a party if they can tell their buddies, "I can't; my parents are drug testing me."
Most kids in today's society are going to be offered the opportunity to try alcohol and marijuana many times. But while it's likely that our youngsters will be offered the chance to try illegal substances, it is not in their best interests for parents to look the other way. Teens still need us to help them make good choices. Acting like it's no big deal can send a confusing message to a youngster who might not want to drink every weekend, but may not know how to handle the peer pressure to do so. Stay lovingly connected to your son, keep your eyes open and keep those lines of communication open.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bulimia: The high cost of keeping secrets

By Doris Smeltzer 
A few weeks ago, my husband Tom and I sat in the well-appointed living room of a family we had met face-to-face just a few moments before. We agreed to this meeting so that we could talk about what we had learned during the very short duration of our 19-year-old daughter Andrea’s struggle with bulimia. Her 13-month battle tragically ended in her death, but through this tragedy we have gained knowledge that we feel compelled to share with others. Our hope is that families may learn from our experience so that their children may live.
As we sat with this family and watched them grapple with the reality of their own daughter’s struggle with an eating disorder, we recognized our prior-to-Andrea’s-death selves in their words: "We have been careful to honor our daughter’s desire for privacy…we’ve told no one of her illness."
Tom and I glanced at each other and smiled. We, too, had honored Andrea’s request that we not speak to others about the bulimia. We now realize that this is a request made by the eating disorder: it thrives in secrecy and silence.
When I look at this request with my newly focused eyes, I see it as if through a multi-faceted prism. One side of the prism contains our desire to do as our child requested. Yet, this isolated us at precisely the moment when we needed as much support and information as possible. If my daughter had been diagnosed with cancer I would have talked to everyone I knew in the hope of learning from someone else’s experience.
I know that if I am completely honest, I must admit to another side to this desire to remain silent: the shame I felt in having a daughter who would “choose” the behavior of bulimia…how could she do such a thing? The guilt I felt in wondering what I might have done to cause this behavior in her: How would others judge me as a mother?
Yet another side to the acquiescence with our child’s request for silence is the fear of the anger and even rage that may be directed at us for our plan to “share the secret.”
Today, I feel no shame about my daughter’s illness. She did not choose bulimia—it is an illness that invaded her body and mind because of many complicated factors—it was not her fault. Today, I feel no guilt. Yes, I made mistakes as a mother, but I did the very best I could with what I knew at the time. Today, I would be able to withstand whatever anger or rage was directed at me, knowing that the eating disorder was the one railing at me, not Andrea.
As we sat sharing these thoughts with this desperate family and their suffering child, I recognized their hesitation to believe that good could come from talking openly about their child’s illness. Their daughter filled the silence that sat between us. She wisely observed, “Seeing you have the courage to speak so openly and without judgment has allowed me to feel that I can do the same.”
Today, I would not keep secrets or remain silent if for no other reason than to give my daughter permission to do the same.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Drug Abuse Slang and Street Terms - Drug Slang and Terminology

Street Terms and Descriptions of Popular Drugs Abused by Teens
The reason for this article is to help parents and caregivers understand just how dangerous it is today for our children and young people when it comes to having fun and partying.

Drugs of abuse change all the time and most parents don't even know some of these dangerous drugs exist. Most don't have a clue that there are street terms that reference these drugs, if their child is experimenting with them they would never know. It's extremely sad to think of the amount of young people that have either lost their life due to partying with friends one night or that party night changed their lives forever.

Many innocent young people go to these get-togethers or parties and have never done drugs before and have no intention of ever doing them. It's not unusual for someone to slip something into their drink just for the hell of it, they think it's funny. Parents need to be aware of the common drugs abused today because parties and socializing isn't the same as it was in the past, it's much more dangerous. There are more toxic and serious drugs and substances floating around than could ever be imagined so hopefully this information will be helpful to parents and caregivers who aren't aware.

I realize this article is long and exhausting but our children's lives are precious and their health and wellbeing are worth every word.

marijuana addictionMarijuana is one of the most popular and commonly abused drugs throughout the United States and it's used by every age group. Other substances that come from the same plant are sinsemilla, hashish, and hash oil but marijuana is the most popular drug of choice for teens and young adults.
According to a National Survey on Drug Use in 2009 young people in 8th, 10th, and 12th, grade prefer marijuana over other illegal drugs.
This same survey showed that 16.7 million people aged 12 and older currently used marijuana. The Government has classified marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug because the potential for abuse is very high and there is currently no medically accepted treatment for marijuana in the United States at this time.

There is evidence that shows pot changes the mental health of adolescents. Depression is common in many adolescents for several reasons. The pot that teens are smoking today is much more potent than it was in the past. Young people who smoke marijuana weekly or more frequent than that can double their risk of anxiety and depression. If a teen is already depressed and smokes marijuana they stand a good chance of becoming dependent on marijuana as well as other drugs.

Scientists are continuing to research and investigate medicinal properties of THC which is the main active chemical in marijuana; THC is short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Scientists are also researching other cannabinoids to get a better understanding of the medicinal properties they may have. There is a wide range of medical conditions individuals suffer from; scientists are looking for a better way to utilize the medicinal properties found in marijuana rather than smoking it. There are health-issues associated with smoking marijuana which have to be avoided.

Marijuana Street Terms: There is several slang terms young people as well as adults use when referring to marijuana. These terms include;
  • Skunk
  • Reefer
  • Chronic
  • Gangster
  • Mary Jane
  • Weed
  • Joint
  • Grass
  • Ganja
  • Kif
  • Pot
  • Boom
  • Herb

 DMX - Dextromethorphan

dmx abuse

DXM is short for Dextromethorphan which is a cough suppressant that is found in many cold and flu medications over the counter. Teens and young adults abuse DXM medications quite often in order to get high. Abusing Dextromethorphan in high doses causes euphoria and hallucinations in those that abuse this drug. Their sight and hearing is distorted causing them to see and hear things that aren't there.

The most commonly abused medications containing DXM by young people are Robitussin and Coricidin.

There are over 120 other over the counter DXM medications either by themselves or in combinations with other drugs like; acetaminophen, antihistamines, decongestants, and expectorants. DXM is dangerous enough when abused but when combined with other substances health problems are increased. Dextromethorphan intoxication includes; Sluggishness, Slurred speech, Hyper-excitability, Involuntary eye movement, Sweating, Confusion and Hypertension.

Dextromethorphan combined with pseudoephedrine when abused increases blood pressure, dextromethorphan combined with acetaminophen when abused can cause potentially delayed liver damage and dextromethorphan combined with antihistamines when abused can cause central nervous system toxicity, cardiovascular toxicity, and anticholinergic toxicity.

Abusing DMX in higher doses than recommended, mixing dextromethorphan with other drugs, and combining DMX with alcohol is extremely dangerous and many deaths have occurred when doing so. In 2008 alone there were 7,988 emergency room visits associated with the use of dextromethorphan for non-medical use. Each year ER visits increase due to abuse of DXM, don't let your child be one of them.

DXM Street Terms: Robo-tripping and skittling are the terms used describing illicit DXM use. The terms used on the streets to describe the suppressant DXM are;
  • Robo
  • Triple C,
  • Poor Man's PCP
  • DXM
  • CCC


vicodin abuse
Vicodin is a prescription painkiller that contains hydrocodone and acetaminophen. This prescription pain medication is a prescribed treatment for relieving moderate to severe pain. Unfortunately many young people are in need of medical attention anddrug treatment due to abusing this painkiller for non-medical reasons.

People in every age group abuse Vicodin and other pain pills for the purpose of getting intoxicated or high. Abusing Vicodin in large doses, mixing Vicodin with other drugs, and combining Vicodin with alcohol has sent many young people straight to the Emergency Room throughout the United States. The abuse of prescription drugs like Vicodin is increasing in-spite of the health related consequences that are associated with pain killer abuse.

Emergency Room visits show an increase of 111% from 2004 to 2008 involving narcotic painkillers used for nonmedical reasons. Many of these people actually overdosed on Vicodin as well as other pain medications. Hospital ER visits are continually increasing due to the misuse of this painkiller and is a major public health concern.

There are other prescription pain pills that contain hydrocodone and acetaminophen that are equally abused for no other reason other than to get high. These include; AnexsiaAnolor DHLortabLorcetHycodan,VicoprofenNorco, and Zydone. These drugs are easy to get ahold of today and parents need to be aware. The disturbing facts are that many parents are addicted to painkillers like Vicodin and the young people are getting them from home.

Vicodin Street Terms: terms for Hydrocodone, Vicodin, and other hydrocodone pain pills are;
  • Vikes
  • Norco
  • Hydro

 Adderall and Ritalin

Adderall and Ritalin are prescription medications that are used for treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also referred to as ADHD. Both of these medications are stimulants which increase alertness, attention, and energy. These stimulant drugs are extremely easy for young people to find and are used for non-medical reasons by many teens and young adults.

Because of the high abuse and dependence potential of these stimulants, Adderall and Ritalin are classified as Schedule II drugs under the Controlled Substances Act.

Abusing Adderall and Ritalin can be very dangerous. Many young people take large doses in order to get high but don't realize the serious health risks and dangers involved when doing this. Young people also mix prescription stimulants with other drugs and alcohol and increase the dangers associated with abusing Adderall and Ritalin. There are individuals who abuse Ritalin or Adderall because it keeps them awake and improves their performance. Some college students use stimulants in order to cram or study for tests and exams because they can stay awake for long periods of time.

Abusing stimulants in large doses can cause; irregular heart-beat, seriously high body temperature, and the risk of heart failure and seizures. Most of the time Adderall and Ritalin are taken in pill form when they abuse these stimulants. There are some individuals that crush them and then dissolve them in water and inject the stimulant. This is very dangerous and could be deadly.

Adderall and Ritalin Street Terms:
  • Hyper drug
  • West coast
  • Kiddy cocaine
  • Black beauties
  • The smart drug
  • Kibbles and bits
  • Bennies
  • Smarties
  • Pineapple
  • Vitamin r
  • Study drug
  • Hyper pill
  • Roses
  • Speed
  • Uppers
  • Skippy
  • Hearts

 Club Drugs

There is a wide variety of drugs that fall into this category. These drugs are used by many young people for recreational purposes in clubs, night-clubs, dance parties, bars and all night parties called 'raves'. These drugs are extremely dangerous when used in large doses, mixed with other drugs, or combined with alcohol. Parents need to learn as much as they can about these club drugs because they're increasing in popularity among teens and young adults.

MDMA (Ecstasy)

mdma (ecstasy) abuse(Club Drug) MDMA is also known as Ecstasy, is an amphetamine drug and is very commonly abused today. Ecstasy is usually taken orally and produces hallucinogenic mind altering highs when abused. This hallucinogen is very popular today and has very serious health related effects when used in high doses or combined with alcohol or other drugs. Young people love this drug because it gives them energy and they can party and dance for long periods of time.

Health issues involving Ecstasy use include; dehydration, hypertension, kidney failure, heart failure, increased body temperature (can lead to death), confusion, depression, problems with sleep, anxiety, paranoia and memory loss.

Ecstasy (MDMA) Street Terms:
  • Clarity
  • Lover's Speed
  • XTC
  • Adam
  • E
  • X

 GHB (Gamma-Hydoxybutyrate)

ghb abuse(Club Drug) GHB is also referred to as Gamma-hydoxybutyrate. This club drug is a central nervous system depressant that normally is taken orally in liquid, powder, tablet or capsule form. GHB reacts as a sedative and has euphoric effects when used. Combining GHB with other drugs or alcohol increases the dangers associated with this depressant.

GHB is also known as a date rape drug, acquaintance rape drug, or drug assisted assault drug. Not only is GHB used at parties with young people looking to get 'high', this drug can be slipped into beverages with the intention of sexual assault on an innocent victim. This has happened at parties, raves, bars, and night clubs to innocent victims and they have little if no memory of what took place. Young people need to be aware of how serious this club drug is.

GHB Street Terms include Great Hormones at Bedtime and many others such as;
  • Sleep-500
  • Somatomax
  • Salty Water
  • Cherry Meth
  • Liquid Ecstasy
  • Organic Quaalude
  • Georgia Home Boy
  • Grievous Bodily Harm
  • Fantasy
  • G-riffic
  • Gamma Oh
  • Liquid E
  • Liquid G
  • Liquid X
  • Easy Lay
  • G
  • Jib
  • GBH
  • Goop
  • Scoop
  • Sleep
  • Vita G


rohypnol abuse

(Club Drug) Rohypnol is a tasteless and odorless sedative-depressant that dissolves very easily in carbonated drinks and the effects are very similar to alcohol intoxication. The use of Rohypnol also causes amnesia like effects which is why this club drug gained popularity as a date rape drug. This sedative type drug causes low blood pressure, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and visual impairment.

Not everyone abuses Rohypnol with intentions of sexual assault on an innocent victim. Some individuals use Rohypnol with the intentions of getting high. When mixing depressant type drugs with alcohol or other depressants, the serious health effects are increased and possibly lethal.

Rohypnol Street Terms:
  • R-2
  • Rope
  • Roche
  • Rophy
  • Pingus
  • Roples
  • Roofies
  • Rophies
  • Circles
  • Roach-2
  • Roaches
  • Roapies
  • Robutal
  • Ruffies
  • Ruffles
  • Wolfies
  • La Rocha
  • Reynolds
  • Row-shay
  • Rochas dos
  • Forget pill
  • Forget-me pill
  • Mexican Valium
  • Forget me drug
  • Getting roached
  • Lunch money drug

 Katemine Street Terms

ketamine abuse(Club Drug) Ketamine is an anesthetic that was primarily used in veterinary medicine. It's been approved for people and animals now and has become a popular drug to abuse for a couple of reasons. Ketamine is used to get a hallucinogenic dreamy-like high most commonly by teenagers and young adults.

In the year 2000, young people aged 12 to 25 years old were the ones seeking medical treatment in emergency departments throughout the United States. This age group made up around 74 percent of those in need of medical attention for Ketamine abuse. The abuse of Ketamine is still going on today by many young people.

Another reason Ketamine is abused is because it produces anesthetic affects, anesthesia like properties is sought after by sexual predators because it incapacitates their victims intended for sexual assault. Ketamine can be found in powder form or as a liquid and because it's colorless and odorless, it's easy to sneak it into someone's drink without it being noticed. Again, the dangers of mixing ketamine with other drugs or alcohol are extremely serious and can lead to death.

Ketamine Street Terms
  • Special K
  • Super acid
  • Cat killer
  • Cat Valium
  • Special la coke
  • Green K
  • Super C
  • Kit kat
  • Honey oil
  • Vitamin K
  • K
  • Jet
  • Ket
  • Purple


lsd abuse
(Club Drug) LSD stands for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and is still a drug of abuse today. LSD is a synthetic man made drug that's popular because of the hallucinogenic high's an individual receives with using this substance. Those that abuse LSDexperience delusional hallucinations, this drug distorts their sense of who they are and where they are.

Tripping on LSD is extremely dangerous, since this is a man-made drug, who really knows what's in it, the user sure doesn't. Mixing LSD with other drugs or alcohol could be lethal.

Yes, LSD is still around and is classified as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substance Act. This drug reacts differently on each user, and each time of use. This means each time a person uses LSD their experience is different. Many have experienced terrifying fear while tripping on LSD while others experience sadness and despair. Still others experience loss of control and have suffered fatal accidents while tripping on LSD. The scary thing is that many-many users mix LSD with other club drugs, alcohol, PCP, cocaine and heroin, or any other substance that's available.

LSD Street Terms
Back breaker, Battery acid, Doses, Dots, Elvis, Loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Pane, Superman, Window pane, 100s, 25s, Acido, Aeon flux, Animal, Barrels, Beavis & Butthead, Big D, Birdhead, Black star, Black sunshine, Black tabs, Blotter cube, Blue acid, Blue barrels, Blue chairs, Blue cheers, Blue heaven, Blue microdot, Blue mist, Blue moons, Blue vials, Book, Brown bombers, Brown dots, California sunshine, Chocolate chips, Cid, Coffee, Conductor, Contact lens, Ying Yang, Yellow dimples, Window glass, White Owsley's, White lightning, White dust, Wedge, Wedding bells, Vodka acid, Twenty-five, Ticket, The Hawk, The Ghost, Tail lights, Crystal tea, Sugar lumps, Sugar cubes, Strawberry fields, Snowman, Smears, Sandoz, Sacrament, Russian sickles, Royal blues, Red lips, Recycle, Rainbow, Purple ozoline, Purple flats, Purple barrels, Pure love, Potato, Pink witches, Pink wedges, Pink robots, Pink panther, Pink blotters, Pellets, Pearly gates, Peace tablets, Paper acid, Orange wedges, Orange micro, Orange haze, Orange cubes, Orange barrels, Optical illusions, Mind detergent, Mighty Quinn, Microdot, Mellow yellow, Logor, Lime acid, Lens, Lason sa daga, L, Instant zen, Heavenly blue, Head light, Haze, Hawk, Hawaiian sunshine, Hats, Grey shields, Green wedge, Green single dome, Green double domes, Grape parfait, Goofy's, Goldon dragon, Ghost, Flat blues, Fields, Felix the cat, Elvis, Electric Kool Aid, Double dome, Deeda, and Zen.
 Crack Cocaine

cocaine abuse
Crack cocaine is a freebase form of cocaine that is smoked. Cocaine is a very serious and extremely dangerous stimulant drug that's highly addictive. Many crack users like the fact that they immediately become high when they smoke it, it's easy to find, inexpensive to make, and affordable.

Crack is made from powdered cocaine; this powder is dissolved in water, ammonia, or baking soda. The mixture forms into a solid after it's boiled, it's then dried and then broken into small pieces called 'rocks' then sold.

Crack isn't just abused by teenagers and young adults but crack cocaine is abused by many young people today. Smoking crack cocaine is very dangerous to their health; it causes high blood pressure increases body temperature, and sometimes cardiac arrest and seizures. Some crack users have respiratory problems and cough a lot, breathing problems because they experience shortness of breath, and serious lung problems. Smoking crack cocaine can also cause paranoid behavior in those that abuse this illegal substance.

Crack cocaine is classified as a Schedule II Substance because it can be extremely mentally and physically addictive and the potential for abuse is very high. Many young people are hooked on crack and parents may not know it. Cocaine most of the time is snorted or injected into a vein but crack cocaine is usually smoked through a pipe. There are thousands of people addicted to cocaine and in serious need of treatment. This addiction is serious!

Crack Cocaine Street Terms
151, 24-7, Apple jacks, B.J.s, Baby T, Bad, Badrock, Basa, Base, Baseball, Basing, Beamer, Beamers, beat, Beautifyl boulders, Bebe, Beemers, Big 8, Bill blass, Bingers, Bings, Biscuit, Bjs Black rock, Blotter, Blow, Blow up, Blowout, Bobo, Bollo, Bonecrusher, Bones, Bopper, Botray, Boubou, Boulder, Boulya, Bullia capital, Bullion, Bumper, Butler, Cakes, Capsula, Casper, Casper the ghost, CDs, Cheap basing, Chemical, Chewies, Cloud, Cluck, Coke, Cookies, Crack attack, Cracker jack, Crib, Crunch & munch, Demolish, Devil drug, Devil's dick, Devilsmoke, Dice, Dime, Dime special, Dip, Dirty basing, Doub, Double yoke, Eastside player, Egg, Electric Kool-aid, Famous dimes, Fat bags, Fish scales, French fries, Fries, Gank, Garbage rock, Geeker, Glo, Golf ball, Gravel, Grit, Groceries, Hail, Hamburger helper Hard ball, Hard rock, Jelly beans, Johnson, nuggets, Pebbles, Piedra, Piles, Pipero, Puffer, Rocks of hell, Rocky III, Scrabble, Stones, Topo, White sugar, and Zulu.

There are many other drugs abused by young people today but the substances mentioned above are quite popular and commonly used by many teens and young adults. It's impossible for parents to know where their children are at all times and just as impossible for them to know what they're doing. We all know that times have changed and that drug use has gone from bad to worse in many ways.

Recreational fun has taken on a new meaning today for many of our young people. Alcohol, illegal drugs, over the counter medications and prescription painkillers are experimented with, used and abused as part of socializing for many teens and young adults today. Many parents have no clue that this is going on. The sooner drug use is recognized in our teens and young adults the better!